Wednesday 25 May 2011

Last Post & Goodbye!

Hey Everyone,
This is the very last post. I'm sorry that I'm not coming back, or posting. But please don't be sad! Also keep running the blog, me leaving doesn't mean that the website has to shut down. I will make both yourbestfreind and mrcarfan9000 admin privalages. But please keep everything the same, i'll keep checking up on the blog and making necessary posts if needed. Good luck with the website. I know you can do it! :-)
(P.S I'll log in and mail both of you about this...)

Goodbye Cho!

Friday 13 May 2011

Its dynamite

Hello guys,

            I just made a cmv and the song used was by taio cruz - dynamite. William loved it much,and so much thanks to him that he gave me my favorite item on chobots "THE CAMERA".When a chobots message came i thought that is a 20 or 30 day shirt -gulps-.But when i opened it i was like super duper happy.I will not stop trying my best on videos i will keep making and hope you like it too here it is :

Monday 9 May 2011

Saddest post ever

Dear fellow chos,
Our great cho website is closing. Our best author (jlb1999) has quit chobots; and posting. Also, there is a lack of posting. We shall be closing.

Keep choing,