Tuesday 19 April 2011


Hey guys!
I've got some sad news,
I'm leaving chobots forever i might visit now and again (once a month or so)
Everyone please keep posting and everyone follow and comment!
Well the reason is: Chobots is getting a tiny bit childish and I don't trust it with my personal details as of the hacker.
Please don't be sad and good luck with your life!

Last post from,

Saturday 9 April 2011


Hey guys!
Good luck with the competition, I have decided to extend the ammount of money!!

1st Place = 4000 bugs (2000 from me (JLB1999 and 2000 from mrcarfan9000)
2nd Place = 2000 bugs (All 2000 bugs from me - JLB1999)
3rd Place = 1000 bugs (From either me (JLB1999 or yourbestfreind)

Go get designing and spreading the word!

Many thanks,

Monday 4 April 2011

Hey guys! I went to my cho house and looked in my wardrobe. When I did, look what I saw!?!

That is why we are going to have our first competition! What you have to do is design a new wardrobe for chobots! There are prizes too. They are listed below:

First Prize: 1000 bugs and an add from me

Second Prize: 500 bugs and an add from me

Third prize: 250 and an add from me

Leave your pictures in comments with links and I will arrange a time to meet for winners to claim their prizes. Competition ends on Friday. See you later!