Sunday 13 November 2011


Hey Everyone!
I'm missing you all, upon chobots closure, I will close this website. Thankyou for everyones help and i would like to give a special thanks to mrcarfan. Couldn't of done it without you! This website will be deleted on: 20th November 2011.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Chobots Hack...D:

Hey guys!
Just heard that chobots has been hacked altogether and now shut down FOREVER?
Well if it's true it's been a lovely time meeting you all, and we will fight back!
Many thanks,

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Oh crap

Hi guys. I went on chobots and it has been closed down forever. Crap! Well its been nice meeting you.


Tuesday 2 August 2011 hacked!

Hi guys. Terrible news! was hacked by ZHC Milan Milo & ZHC UNKNOWN - ZCompany Hacking Crew - [ZHC] If you go to then, rumor says, you get a VIRUS!!! The people at zapak are trying to fix the problem. Wish them luck


Sunday 31 July 2011


Hi guys! I have been on a chobots visit! The only thing that has changed is that the hacker is gone. Hope to see you soon jlb.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Yo guyz!

Yo guyz! It's me, mrcarfan9000. I quit chobots for a long time but now I'm back baby! Have you missed me? Probably not but nvm XD. What have I missed on cho? Is the hacker gone? I am a lot older now irl, and on cho! I will play cho but not as much now due to I have lots of things going on in my real life like putting an engine in a pedal bike, seeing my friend nearly everyday, building big lego things and other stuff but in my spare time I will come on. Its been over 2 months. I have changed a lot! See you soon!

Friday 29 July 2011


Hey Guys!
Today it's someone's Birthday, She is called Fwuffy and she's 300 (She very young!)
Anyway she hasn't got many friends on so i did a mini birthday party for her, Heres a picture of what someone drew especially for her!

Many thanks,

Monday 25 July 2011

Sunday 17 July 2011


Hey guys!
Not to worry, but the hacker is back with bigger stunts! (Cafe you can't speak or Café street)
Just outside the magic shop the writing is humongous...look at this pic!!

Many thanks,
From a very scared,

Dance Party!

Hey guys!
There's a dance party on right now in the café! Come on down, we're all dancing our hearts away, having a blast!

Many thank

Chobots Party

Hey guys!
Today there was a chobots party, and if you missed it don't despair! I've got a few pictures!!

Sorry that i only got a few (5) but it's better than none as i always say! I hope you can make it to the party next time! :)
Many thanks,


Hey guys,
As you know ive not been on chobots for the last month (Except yesterday) and I've been thinking....I'm coming back to chobots!! I'll get my membership back in a few days and I'll resume the blog, I'm very happy to be saying this so I hope your excited as much as I am!
JLB1999 (I'll put my signature on within the next few posts) :-)

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Temporarily Shut Down Until Further Notice.

*****Notice: The blog is now temporarily shut down until further notice from yourbestfreind or mrcarfan9000, or if posting resumes, thankyou for your co-operation***********************

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Last Post & Goodbye!

Hey Everyone,
This is the very last post. I'm sorry that I'm not coming back, or posting. But please don't be sad! Also keep running the blog, me leaving doesn't mean that the website has to shut down. I will make both yourbestfreind and mrcarfan9000 admin privalages. But please keep everything the same, i'll keep checking up on the blog and making necessary posts if needed. Good luck with the website. I know you can do it! :-)
(P.S I'll log in and mail both of you about this...)

Goodbye Cho!

Friday 13 May 2011

Its dynamite

Hello guys,

            I just made a cmv and the song used was by taio cruz - dynamite. William loved it much,and so much thanks to him that he gave me my favorite item on chobots "THE CAMERA".When a chobots message came i thought that is a 20 or 30 day shirt -gulps-.But when i opened it i was like super duper happy.I will not stop trying my best on videos i will keep making and hope you like it too here it is :

Monday 9 May 2011

Saddest post ever

Dear fellow chos,
Our great cho website is closing. Our best author (jlb1999) has quit chobots; and posting. Also, there is a lack of posting. We shall be closing.

Keep choing,

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Hey guys!
I've got some sad news,
I'm leaving chobots forever i might visit now and again (once a month or so)
Everyone please keep posting and everyone follow and comment!
Well the reason is: Chobots is getting a tiny bit childish and I don't trust it with my personal details as of the hacker.
Please don't be sad and good luck with your life!

Last post from,

Saturday 9 April 2011


Hey guys!
Good luck with the competition, I have decided to extend the ammount of money!!

1st Place = 4000 bugs (2000 from me (JLB1999 and 2000 from mrcarfan9000)
2nd Place = 2000 bugs (All 2000 bugs from me - JLB1999)
3rd Place = 1000 bugs (From either me (JLB1999 or yourbestfreind)

Go get designing and spreading the word!

Many thanks,

Monday 4 April 2011

Hey guys! I went to my cho house and looked in my wardrobe. When I did, look what I saw!?!

That is why we are going to have our first competition! What you have to do is design a new wardrobe for chobots! There are prizes too. They are listed below:

First Prize: 1000 bugs and an add from me

Second Prize: 500 bugs and an add from me

Third prize: 250 and an add from me

Leave your pictures in comments with links and I will arrange a time to meet for winners to claim their prizes. Competition ends on Friday. See you later!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Deleting Items From Shop

Hey guys!
In a few days we wave goodbye to the following clothes in the shop :-(

So you better get buying the items you dizzier before it's too late! (Why do you think there deleting the items? Do you think they will be new items or even a new catalogue?! Let me now in your comments!)

Many thanks,

Monday 28 March 2011

Hacker Revealed!

Hey guys!
Remember the hacker we had? Well we have discovered who is behind it all! The hacker is: Cat!
Yes that's right, Cat. The one who used to be a moderater. He admitted it on tinychat and also he said he tried hacking then it was fun so he carried on.

Also today they've been duplicates of chobots! They made quite alot. There was like 20 of gelu_cool (Agent) And choas! And also we could go inside a beta house! (A chobots house in beta time) Which was awsome! The tv and worked and also the entrance and portalv was in a different position! It was awsome (Thankyou Cat!)

Keep Updated, Many thanks,

Sunday 27 March 2011

No smell for a price

Hey guys! I have seen the bath but I personally think it is too expensive for what it is. I still like it though but it is $9.99 (£6.23). Also, does it go fast? I haven't seen anyone with it. Well, I will post soon. Bye for now!

Saturday 26 March 2011

Spread the Word!

Hey guys!
Spread the word about chobots help support! Get more people to follow! The more people the better posts, the more contests, the better authors!
So spread the word!
Here are the 2 URL's for the site: (You can't say this one on chobots though)
OR (You can say this one on chobots outloud! Also it's quicker to say!)


Spy Robots

Hey guys!
I defeated the spy robots! (Finally!)
I now challenge you to complete and defeat the spy robots!
Good luck!

Friday 25 March 2011

Hola! :D

Hey guys!
Hope your all doing bril! Just to say I hope you will start saving up those $$$ (Or £££)
Because as YBF (Yourbestfreind) posted theres a new item in the crown catalogue!
I call it............ SHOWER ON THE GO! Brilliant eh?
Stay safe and never give up on being a agent. Just follow the rules. For further information I made a post on how to become a agent (Fairly)

Many thanks,

Thursday 24 March 2011

Dont be dirty!

Hi guys!

           Chobot just got a solution to the problem of dirty body.When we play too much and get tired we need a bath,when anyone shoots a cake on us we need a bath to clean body.Theres a new item in the shop which is the shower.

Hiki  i like the shower it will 100% give me refreshment so thank-you.Hope you all liked it too!


Tuesday 22 March 2011

Also, It is still loading but on my tracker it says I'm offline

Weird O_O

Hey guys! I went to the academy today (on chobots) and look what happened when it was loading

Weird eh? Maybe this was from when they designed academy street??? It says in that square (at the top) moduleld=gameChess then under that it says Remoteld=gameChess1. And there are blue chobots on the seats (old style) and there are red spots next to the seats. Freaky!!! They are like ghosts of the chobots past. If I find anymore weird glitches like that I will post. Well, that's all for now! See you later!

Cool art

Hey guys! I was on chobots and I saw some really cool art! It's a Super Chero! It was done by Clubpengui

Nice work, Clubpengi!

Also, YBF made me a siganture! Thanks yourbestfriend! Well, that's all for now! See ya later!

Monday 21 March 2011


Hey guys!
Sorry for not posting for a while I was very ill and I've been very busy lately. It would be great if you guys could comment a bit more and keep updated! Also I'm going to promote one of our authors to admin so I hope you guys are excited! I'll get one of my authors to post some more news and the party pictures with the new items very shortly.

Thats all for now, Thankyou -


Hi guys!

           I just made a CMV of loast train to awesometown published it to youtube,If you want to see it here it is:
I hope you all like it,and the agents poll is out soon so good luck everyone of you!


Saturday 12 March 2011

I agree

Hey guys!
I apsolutely agree with that yourbestfreind! I'm so glad that the park is back to it's lovely normal self! (I love the extra touch of flowers!)

Many thanks,

Thursday 10 March 2011


Hi guys,

I was giving my examinations.I didnt have time to post,

There are so many new awesome things in chobots,the one i like the most is the spring park you gotta check it out guys!Meet you all at the next post and i will try to post daily from today.


Sorry guys!

Hey guys!
Sorry that I havn't logged on for the past few days D:
I was a bit busy with school but I'm back now yay!

I have your signature ready mrcarfan! go on the following link to see it!

Many thanks,

Tuesday 8 March 2011

I just thought I'd say

Hey guys! I haven't and wont be posting for a while coz as you know my rare member club penguin account is banned and me and Club Penguin have been trading messages due to I was hacked and banned for no reason. Well, I will keep you up on the news. Wish me luck!


Famous figures #2

Hey guys!! This weeks Famous figures is Bart Simpson from The Simpsons. Image and video hosting by TinyPic I found the Famous figure at Cafe Street

Sunday 6 March 2011

Group of hackers.

Hey guys!
As you all know chobots has been having problems with hackers, and you can identify them by their names. Such as really long ones and ones which include foul language. Heres a picture that I took from shop square. I have all chobots names showing.....

Wow! Ohmai!

Many thanks for now,

Chobots v Guests

Hey guys!
Look at this photo I took! There all in mission street! ohmai whos gonna win?

Tell us in your comments! (Chobots gonna win I hope!)

Many thanks,

Saturday 5 March 2011

New Author!

Hey guys!
We have another new author, I will also be adding their tracker to the blog!
Please welcome aboard yourbestfreind! (ybf for short!)

Thats all for now,

New backgrounds!

Hey guys!
Check these new awsome backgrounds!

Many thanks,

Brillaint news!

Hey guys!
It's brilliant news that your not quiting mrcarfan9000! Because we all need you here for us :-)
Thanks for mentioning that of my kind words I really appreciate it!
We're very sorry about you being banned, also your signature has not yet been complete. I'll have a word with them for you :-)

Thats all for now!